
Information according to § 5 DDG:

GPA Ges. für PlasmaApplikation mbH
Maybachstr. 37
51381 Leverkusen

Represented by:
Richard Kallee (Managing Director)

Commercial register: HRB 48935
Register court: Cologne Local Court


Phone: 02171 70860
Fax: 02171 708610

Sales tax ID:

Sales tax identification number according to
§27 a Value Added Tax Act: DE811387886

Responsible in the sense of § 18 MStV is:

Richard Kallee (Managing Director)
Maybachstr. 37
51381 Leverkusen

Consumer dispute resolution / universal arbitration board:

We are not willing or obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.

Sources for the images and graphics used:

Who benefits from us?
